Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Days

What do you think you are going to do on Christmas? Where will you go and what will you do?


  1. On Christmas day, I think that my family and I will stay at the house with one another.

    Every year for Christmas, my family and I wake up at about seven o'clock ready to open presents.

    Once we are done with that my sister and I will go to our rooms and play with the things that we received. Then my mom will start cooking a Christmas meal for later on that day.

    This is what I think I will be doing for Christmas break.

  2. on Christmas day its suppose to be about family and presents and stuff..
    but im just going to be with my daddy for the first time in years....
    but ill be eating mostly...and that's it...

  3. This is a very good question Alex. I would like to thank you for asking such a wonderful question. I can now use my brain to right you an answer.

    I think for Christmas I am going to get up early, at 9 o'clock, and go open presents, I will then play with them for a little while before my grandparent get to my house. I will then talk to them and enjoy there company.

    After this, we will eat lunch, and go to my grandmothers house. My aunts, uncles, and cousins will be there. We will visit, eat supper, then open presents.
