Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A long day....

What defines a long, hard day for you?


  1. a long day for me is when the classes go by slow. you sit there and watch the clock gh by slow. and when the day is over your like well that was a slow day. and when it is a slow day you always have a bad day at that.

  2. A hard day starts off to me as being hard to wake up. If I have trouble getting up, I know its going to be a long day. Then, if I'm running late for school, thats another sure sign. Once I get to school, if I'm tired, for sure its going to be a long day.

    After school starts, on a long day, I have trouble concentrating. Then my teachers give me a lot of work and homework.

    Once I get home, if I have a lot of work, and I have other stuff to do besides homework, then I know that It has been a long day.

  3. A long day to me is where i have school, workouts then baseball practice. I hate waking up for school, then teachers are always on my case.

    The work outs and practice are things I enjoy but when its all over i am wiped out!

    I just wish we had a sleep period so I could rest up
